
What is Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a state of mind focus and suggestibility, whereby the body and mind are relaxed and natural. The subconscious mind is very alert and receptive to change during hypnosis.
Hypnosis bypasses the critical, thinking mind so that suggestions can be acceptedan incorporated into new successful “automatic” behaviors.
You will not do anything against your free will or ethics during hypnosis.

Benefits of Hypnosis….

Emotional Benefits:
-Eliminate Fears & Phobias
-Stress Management
-Confidence & Self Esteem

Medical Benefits:
-Weight Control
-Relief from Stress Induced Medical Issues
-Pain and Illness Management
-Relief from Sleep Disorders/Insomnia
-Strengthen the Immune System

Behavioral Benefits/Physical:
-Strengthen Athletic Skills and Performance
-Motivation & Goal Setting
-Eliminate Procrastination
-Strengthen Creativity & Talents
-Overcome Self-Sabotage
-Habit Control
-Stop Smoking
-Self Love & Intimacy
-Overcome Addictions & Co-Dependency
-Communication Skills

5 Behavioral Fundamentals Marc Gravelle

These fundamentals describe how we function without any conscious thought. How we act out our everyday, normal behavior.
Our behavior operates on a “Pain/Pleasure” principal. On the most basic level, we seek pleasurable, comfortable things, and we avoid painful, fearful or discomforting things.

Any process, or method that we use in life has the ability to work for us or against us, to benefit is or detract from us.

Two feelings of an opposite nature cannot occupy the same space; our body. If we are feeling anxious, we cannot feel relaxed. If we are relaxed, we cannot feel anxiety.

We cannot “suggest away” a conditioned (automatic) reaction. We must suggest a replacement reaction.

At any given moment in time, we are either responding to our conditioning (our  conditioned, automatic, responses) of the past, or by recognizing ourselves in a given (present) moment, we give ourselves the “gift” of a new, or different reaction. A replacement reaction.